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Available parameters

TE can display a vast amount of data for your trades. Just select parameters you wish to survey and enable them using the Interface manager. They are organized into 13 sections:

You can edit certain parameters directly from the Overview Stats table by clicking on a preferred table cell (mouse pointer turns into a hand over parameters you can edit). Naturally you can only edit parameters related to settings and values, the rest are provided by TE3 (calculated form your traffic).


Parameter Type Description
C: Editable mass select all you trades or checkbox desired trades.
#: Editable succesive number of trades - click on the cell to copy statistics for the respective trade to the clipboard.
Action: Editable edit single trades and view various stats for them with three “Tool” icons“: Edit icon: opens an Edit trade Window for a desired trade, Graph icon: displays graphs for a desired trade (a “Daily” or “Monthly” graph), Multi task icon: opens a Quick stats pop-up window for a desired trade (select a quick stat you wish to inspect).
Domain: Editable domain name for the respective trade.

Last 60 minutes

Parameter Type Description
Raw: Provided incoming raw hits.
Uniq: Provided incoming unique hits.
Clk T: Provided clicks sent to trades.
Clk G: Provided cliks sent to galleries.
Clk TG: Provided clicks sent to trades and galleries.
CB: Provided click back - surfers that were already sent out to a trade, but they “came back” to your site and clicked again.
CBR: Provided click back ratio - surfers that were already sent out to a trade, but they “came back” to your site and clicked again (CB / Out T).
Exout: Provided visitors who visited all trades in your database in one session. Learn more about Exout here.
Out: Provided outgoing hits sent to a trade - free hits forced are not included.
Out T: Provided outgoing total - outgoing hits sent to a trade + free hits forced.
Out U: Provided outgoing uniques - TE3 only sends out unique hits, but some surfers will click on the same perm links (e.g. toplist or “purl” links) several times.
Prod T: Provided trade productivity (Clk T / Raw).
Prod G: Provided gallery productivity (Clk G / Raw).
Prod TG: Provided trade & gallery (overall) productivity (Clk TG/ Raw).
Value: Provided represents real value of a trade (Clk T / Out T).
Ratio Raw: Provided ratio raw (Out T / Raw).
Ratio Clk T: Provided ratio Clk T (Out T / Clk T).
Free: Provided represents “free” hits sent by the Forces module summed up by all three methods: Instant, Per hour and At least.
Force: Provided represents “force” hits sent by the Forces module summed up by all three methods: Instant, Per hour and At least.
Skim %: Provided percent of clicks sent to galleries.
Uniq %: Provided percent of incoming unique hits.
Uniq Owed: Provided represents the difference between outgoing totals and incoming unique hits (Out T - Uniq).
Raw Owed: Provided represents the difference between outgoing totals and incoming raw hits (Out T - Raw).
Ratio Raw Owed: Provided ratio raw owed (Raw / Out T).
Ratio Uniq Owed: Provided Ratio Uniq Owed (Uniq / Out U).

Last 24 hours

Same categories as Last 60 minutes.

Last 7 days

Same categories as Last 60 minutes.


Parameter Type Description
Instant: Editable instant free (blue color) or force (red color) hits set. When you set Instant hits, forcing starts immediately. The amount you set will be sent out to the respective trade(s) as soon as there is enough outgoing uniques available.
Per hour: Editable amount of hits to be sent per hour.
Time: Editable duration (infinitive time scale ; send forces for X hours; force only, if incoming raw hits (last 60 mins) for this trade fall below X).
Delay: Editable time delay set (forces are displayed in shaded font until time delay expires).

Read more about forces here.


Parameter Type Description
Min prod: Editable trades with productivity (Prod TG) lower than “min product” will be suspended. Enter 0.00 to disable this cap type.
Max prod: Editable this option only works in combination with “Value” algorithm. Trades with Prod TG higher than maximum productivity, will get returns based on maximum productivity. Enter 0.00 to disable this cap type.
Min size: Editable if trade size (Raws or Clk TG) is smaller than “min size” set, trade will be suspended. For obvious reason, trade has to be in the database for at least 24 hours to become a candidate for this cap type. If you reset the trade, it will again take 24 hours before this cap type is in effect. Enter 0 to disable this cap type.
Max out size: Editable if outgoing traffic for a trade is greater than “max out size” set, trade will be suspended until outgoing traffic will decrease below “Max out size”. For obvious reason, trade has to be in the database for at least 24 hours to become a candidate for this cap type. If you reset the trade, it will again take 24 hours before this cap type is in effect. Enter 0 to disable this cap type.
Min value: Editable trades with “Value” lower than “min value” will be suspended. Enter 0.00 to disable this feature.
Max out ratio: Editable if outgoing ratio (based on Raw or Clk T) is larger than “max out ratio” set, trade will be suspended (Ratio raw = Out T / Raw, Ratio Clk T = Out T / Clk T). Enter 0.00 to disable this feature.

Read more about capping here.


Parameter Type Description
In toplist: Editable if the “in toplist” option is checked in the “edit trade” window, respective trade has a chance to be listed in the toplist. If it is NOT checked, trade will never get listed in the toplist, even if it deserves it.
Grabber: Editable you can “enable / disable” thumb grabber module for each individual trade in the edit trade pop-up window.
Graber URL: Editable this is an alternative URL for grabbing thumbs. You can specify it optionally. If it is not specified, thumb grabber will search for thumbs on the specified “return URL”.
Algorithm: Editable there are seven algorithms to choose from. You will find detailed descriptions for each algorithm here.
Ratio: Editable ratios are relative to each other, only the relation between them matters. Read more about ratios here.
Push to size: Editable you can specify trade volume (incoming raw hits) you want to reach for this trade using Push to size parameter. If Push to size parameter is not equal to 0 and incoming raws are smaller than the value set, return algo will use Push ratio instead of normal ratio to extra push the trade. Once the incoming raws reach Push to size value, Push ratio gets disabled and “normal” ratio is in use again.
Push ratio: Editable Push ratio is correlated to Push to size. If Push to size parameter is not equal to 0 and incoming raws are smaller than the value set, return algo will use Push ratio instead of normal ratio to extra push the trade. Once the incoming raws reach Push to size value, Push ratio gets disabled and “normal” ratio is in use again.
Start raws: Editable this option is active only for unapproved trades. Incoming raw hits from that trade must exceed this number in order to get any return traffic. Enter 0 into the field to disable this feature.
Start clicks: Editable this option is active only for unapproved trades. Clk TG (clicks to trades + galleries) from that trade must exceed this number in order to get any return traffic. Enter 0 into the field to disable this feature.
Skim pattern: Editable skim is set to default skim by default. You can set internal skim for individual trades or system trades (any or all) and it will outpower “default skim” for those trades. Click on the table cell and enter the preferred skim or skim pattern for the respective (system) trade. If you set external skim ( s=X directly in the outgoing link ) it will also have priority over “default skim” (but not over “internal skim”).
Site name: Editable site name can be displayed in your toplist.
Return URL: Editable URL where return traffic will be sent to.
Signup time: Provided date and time when trade was added to the database.
Owed: Provided left column: Owed forces, right column: Owed ratio. Since Owed forces have priority over Owed ratio, we've set Owed forces column as the primary sort.
External feature: Editable this feature prevents cycling surfers between the same sites over and over again by adding “visited domains” parameter at the end of the outgoing link using GET method.
Niches: Editable number of niches the respective trade is assigned to. Click on the table cell to edit your settings - assign/unassign the respective trade to your niches.


Parameter Type Description
Nick: Editable site owner's nickname.
ICQ num: Editable site owner's ICQ number.
E-mail: Editable site owner's address.


Parameter Type Description
In: Provided number of incoming proxy raw hits based on the environment variables (HTTP_VIA and HTTP_X_FORWARDED).
In %: Provided incoming proxy traffic in percents, based on the environment variables.
Clk: Provided number of proxy clicks based on the environment variables.
Clk %: Provided proxy clicks in percents, based on the environment variables.


Same categories as “Proxy”


Parameter Type Description
In Provided incoming raw hits produced by surfers with JavaScript disabled.
In% Provided percent of incoming raw hits produced by surfers with JavaScript disabled (In / Raw).

Read more about No JS here.


Parameter Type Description
Alexa: Provided Alexa global traffic rank - inspect how the respective trade is ranked relative to all other sites on the web. The rank is calculated from a site's estimated average of daily unique visitors and its estimated number of pageviews over the past 3 months. Read more about Alexa.
Google: Provided Google PageRank - the values 0 to 10 determine a page’s importance, reliability and authority on the web according to Google. It's one of many factors used to determine which pages appear in search results. Read more about Google PageRank.


Parameter Type Description
Graph: Provided good, normal, bad graph. Hold mouse over the graph to see more details.
Quality: Provided good, normal, bad quality ratio is calculated based on the amount of incoming raws received from each country group and their weights. By default, GNB quality ratio is NOT included in the algorithms for outgoing traffic distribution and it serves for informative purposes only.

te3/interface_manager_available_parameters.txt · Last modified: 2016/03/30 12:31 by moderator

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