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“Toplist” is a collection of trades in your database that may be ranked in a number of different ways, e.g., by: raws, uniques, clicks, outgoing hits, productivity, value, owed ratio and so on. Number of toplists you can create is basically unlimited.

Templates: is the basic toplist module - view toplist template syntax, learn how to add and manage toplists, how to include them into your web page and how to create a basic text toplist. Learn more

There are 3 additional advanced modules available:

  • Descriptions: see how to create a toplist with descriptions and how manage your descriptions. Learn more

  • Images: see how to create a thumb toplist and how to manage your images. Learn more

  • Thumb grabber: if you need a thumb toplist, “Thumb grabber” will have to download and crop images from your trades' web sites first. Learn more

Realated topics

te3/toplist.txt · Last modified: 2014/11/17 05:57 by moderator

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