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Menu: Niches inlinetoc

Using “niches” feature will enable you to target your traffic, which should increase the productivity of surfers you send to your trade partners (external productivity) and consequently also your (internal) productivity.

By default, when the skim selects a surfer to be sent to a trade instead of a gallery, all trades from the outgoing list are loaded. But this surfer might be searching for specific content and if you send him to a trade with different content, he will probably not produce many clicks. If some of your trades provide specific content you can assign them to niches and send surfers to those trades that match their interests.

How does it work

A niche is a mini version of the outgoing list, containing only the trades assigned to this niche. Trades assigned to a niche can only get traffic from links containing a niche parameter ''g='', unassigned trades can get traffic from any link.

This is how traffic trade scripts usually distribute traffic: every time a click on a link containing a niche parameter g=niche1 is skimmed, the surfer gets sent to one of the trades assigned to niche1. In other words, “outgoing list” gets ignored and the respective surfer is sent to a trade based on the “mini ougoing list” for niche1.

Naturally, you primary goal is to increase your traffic but distributing surfers to niche-trades exclusively could prove counterproductive in certain situations - consider your unassigned trades:

Example: is not assigned to any niche. It is sending you traffic and is placed on your “outgoing list” based on the Owed ratio. Your skimmed traffic is being distributed to niche-trades, although their Owed ratio is significantly lower than that of If you don't return traffic to, trading with this trade will gradually decrease and eventually stop.

We have integrated two different options of what TE3 should do when the click on a link containing a niche parameter g= is skimmed:

Include trades from

TE3 will calculate a “mini outgoing list” based on the parameter you choose:

  • This niche: “mini outgoing list” will include trades assigned to this niche only. When a surfer clicks a link containing a niche parameter g=, he will be sent to the most owed unvisited trade in this niche.

  • This niche + unassigned (default setting): “mini outgoing list” will include trades assigned to this niche and active trades not assigned to any niche. When a surfer clicks a link containing a niche parameter g=, he will be sent to the most owed unvisited trade on the “mini outgoing list”.

We believe that balanced and proportional traffic distribution is your best choice in the long run, and have designated This niche + unassigned as default setting. However, a lot of webmasters support a different trading philosophy - concentrate on perspective trades and targeted traffic. Both doctrines work and you should choose, which one suits your needs best.

After all trades visited

Each time a surfer clicks a link on your website, this information is stored inside a cookie. When he produces a skimmed click on a link containing a niche parameter g=, he will be sent to a trade based on the “mini outgouing list”. And this trade will be removed from the list (based on the cookie information). When he produces another skimmed click on a link containing parameter g=, he will be sent to the next trade from the respective “mini outgouing list”. If your niche is assinged only a few trades, there is a chance a surfer could visit all of them, if he produces a lot of clicks. You can specify, where you wish to send him next:

  • Reset and start over: after a surfer has visited all trades on the respective “mini outgoing list”, reset cookie information. The next skimmed clik on a link containing a niche parameter g=, will send him to the most owed trade on the list.

  • Send to other trades: after a surfer has visited all trades on the respective “mini outgoing list”, send him to other trades on your outgoing list.

  • Send to gallery: after a surfer has visited all trades on the respective “mini outgoing list”, ignore skim and send 100% to content.

Take a look at some examples

Manage niches

To create a niche, switch to “Niches” menu, click on the Manage niches button and open “Manage niches” pop-up window.

# Action Description
1. Successive number successive number of the niche.
2. Niche name enter a niche name of your choice. Only use alphanumeric characters and -, _. Note, that niche names are case sensitive - g= parameter has to match Niche name exactly!
3. Include trades from available options: This niche and This niche + unassigned active trades.
4. After all trades visited available options: Reset and start over, Send to other trades and Send to gallery.
5. Add row click Add row to create a new niche.
6. Trades the number of trades assigned to a niche.
7. Save confirm your settings.
8. Delete record click to delete selected record.

Once you have created a niche, you can assign trades to it. Close “Manage niches” pop-up window and inspect a list of your active and inactive trades in TE3 “Niches” menu:

# Action Description
1. Active trades a list of your active trades (sorted alphabetically).
2. Inactive trades a list of your inactive trades (sorted alphabetically).
3. Successive number trades successive number.
4. Domain trades domain name.
5. Niches each niche has one column.
6. Mass checbox assign all your active and inactive trades to a niche.
7. Active trades mass checkox assign all your active trades to a niche.
8. Inactive trades mass checkbox assign all your inactive trades to a niche.

Note, that you can assign each trade to one or more niches, or you can leave it unassigned.

te3/niches.1408566527.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/08/20 20:28 by moderator

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