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Outgoing lists

Menu: Settings / Outgoing list inlinetoc

Modifying “Outgoing list” settings can have a huge impact on the outgoing traffic distribution. If not set properly, traffic on your site could decrease. Before you apply any changes, read this topic very carefully.


The “Outgoing list” is a list of your active trades, with a certain amount of percentage assigned to them. The percentage represents the probability at which traffic should be sent to the particular trade and is calculated from the Owed ratio and preset Weights.

The higher Owed ratio for a particular trade is, the more likely it is to receive traffic. Trade with the highest Owed ratio is aloted the top slot on the “outgoing list”, trade with the second highest Owed is placed on the second slot, etc. Every time a surfer clicks a link on your server that links through out.php, Owed ratio changes and “outgoing list” gets re-calculated in real-time.

Note, that not all your active trades get placed on the “outgoing list” - you specify the number (25% by default). Only trades on the list will receive traffic, the rest are pending until they are aloted a slot based on the Owed ratio.

TE3 “outgoing list” also tracks visited sites and if a surfer has already visited some of the sites on the list, those trades get replaced by the highest placed pending trades.

You can choose between two types of “outgoing lists”:

  1. “Automatic outgoing list”: is set by default and should sufficient for most webmasters,

  2. “Manual outgoing list”: designed for users with very specific requirements.

# Action Description
1. Automatic / Manual: choose between “Automatic” and “Manual” outgoing list.
2. Outlist length: specify, what percentage of active trades you would like to place on the outgoing list.
3. Start weight value: specify start weight value (e.g. 1000 or 100).
4. Decrease ratio: specify decrease ratio. Decrease ratio affects percentage asigned to trades.
5. Add record: click icon to add record (“Manual outgoing list”).
6. Successive number: succesive slot number - trade with the lowest number has the highest priority on the outgoing list.
7. Weight: set weight as a descending value (“Manual outgoing list”).
8. Graph: probability a surfer will be sent to a respective trade.
9. Domain: domain name for the respective trade.
10. Delete record: click icon to delete record (“Manual outgoing list”).
11. Update: upate outgoing list.

Automatic outgoing list

“Automatic outgoing list” is set by default and is the more efficent method of distributing traffic in most cases. All parameters are preset, but can be fully customized to meet your specific needs:

  • Outlist length: you can change the number of slots on the list by modifying the percentage of active trades (“outgoing list” must have at least one slot).

    Multiple slots: if you have 20 active trades on your site and your Outlist lenght is set to 25%, there will be 5 slots on the “outgoing list” and you'll be sending traffic to trades aloted to the slots according to the probability TE3 calculates for each of them. If a surfer has already visited some of the trades on the list, those trades will be replaced by pending trades.

    Single slot: if you have 20 active trades on your site and your Outlist lenght is set to 1%, there will be 1 slot on the “outgoing list”, and the probability a surfer is sent to that trade is 100%, unless he has already visited the trade. In that case he will be sent to a trade with the second highest Owed ratio.

  • Decrease ratio: trades on the “outgoing list” are relative to each other and the Decrease ratio defines correlation between them. When you edit Decrease ratio, you influence distribution dispersion and you change probability a trade will receive a surfer. As you can imagine, different settings will produce very different results - we don't advise you to experiment with this feature, only change Decrease ratio when you have a good reason for it.


Since “Automatic outgoing list” distributes traffic automatically, there are some limitations:

  • you cannot add / delete records - the number of slots is fixed (you can change the Outlist length) and trades are aloted to the slots automatically, based on the Owed ratio,
  • Weights for slots on the list cannot be modified directly - they get calculated automatically from the Start weight value and Decrease ratio - if you change Decrease ratio, Weights will be re-calculated accordingly.

Manual outgoing list

If you switch “Outgoing list” from Automatic to Manual, default settings (Outlist length, Start weight value and Decrease ratio) will be disabled. “Manual outgoing list” is fully customizable - specify the number of slots on the list by adding and deleting records, define correlations between trades by setting Weights for each slot.

te3/outgoing_lists.1407498474.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/08/08 11:47 by moderator

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