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General settings

Menu: Settings / General settings inlinetoc

Properly categorize your site

This section should be self explainable.

Import trade database from TE2.2

Enter full path (e.g. /var/www/cgi-bin/te/tedata/) and click Import. Read more about migrating from TE 2.2 to TE 3.0 here.

CMS login URL

By entering full path to your CMS (content management system) login page you'll be able to instantly switch between your TE3 and CMS page.

Prevent double tracking

If you run a multi page site (e.g. main page + archive pages) and you would like to place a tracking code on all your pages, all you have to do is to enable this feature to prevent double tracking surfers who are switching between pages. When done, you can safely place tracking code to all your pages.

This feature is set to Prevent double tracking by default and we advise you to keep it enabled.

Customizing and renaming TE3 modules

We strongly encourage you to customize and rename TE3 modules and make TE3 on each of your sites more unique.

You can customize cookie names, outgoing file name (out.php), thumb image directory name and out.php parameters.


Parameter Description
Link report: stop adding new links automatically if link report database reaches a set number of links.
Max domain length: shorten domain name length in the statistic tables to avoid unnecessary table expanding.
Page compression: if you enable page compression, whole admin interface will load up to 90% faster.
Quick help: do you want “quick guide” boxes at the bottom of each menu to be opened or closed by default.
Auto update Geo IP database: if this option is Enabled, task manager will update Geo IP country database every 6th day in the month.
Backup: Create a new backup every x hours and delete backups older than x days. Backup can be rather extensive and we don't advise you to create it too frequently.
Font size: Increase or Decrease font size.

Geo IP database

Determine your visitor's country based on their IP address. Geo IP database by MaxMind can be auto updated every 6th day in the month (General settings / Main) or you can do it manually at any given moment - simply click Update in the “Geo IP database” section.

Pop-up settings

  1. Effect on closing pop-ups:

    • Fade-out: fade-out effect on closing pop-up windows adds a nice warm touch to the admin interface. There should be no performance issues, unless you are using a really old machine. In that case, you still have an option to disable it.

    • Disabled

  2. Dragging and resizing pop-ups:

    • Normal: normal or “realtime rendering” of the pop-up windows while you are dragging or resizing them is much more appealing than “dragging and resizing by border”. There is a downside though. If you're using a slow web browser on a slow computer, it can perform slower than the other option (By border). We can't do much about your computer, but we can highly recommend you “Google Chrome” as a browser of choice. Plain and simply, we haven't seen any other browsers out there with a better javascript performance.

    • By border: instead of real-time rendering of the pop-up window, you can drag or resize just the border. After mouse button is released, pop-up window renders instantly. If you are using Internet Explorer, By border option is selected by default, because javascript rendering in IE is awful.

Update general settings (main, prevent double tracking and popup settings) on other sites in network

This feature allows you to update general settings on other sites in your network. To proceed, select sites from the multiple select box.

te3/general_settings.1407498391.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/08/08 11:46 by moderator

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