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Quick stats

Although TE offers numerous methods of organizing and customizing data for your trades (switching between menus, creating interfaces), the quantity of data displayed can still be hard to overview (especially if you have a large number of trades). “Quick stats” help you instantly survey specific statistical data for your trades.

They can be activated in the following menus: Overview, Hourly, Pages and Network.

Activate Quick stats

There are two basic methods to survey “Quick stats”. Navigate to the Overview menu and open them from:

  1. Toolbar:

    Click on one of the Quick stats buttons on your toolbar and display total summary stats (cumulative stats for Active trades, Feeders, Sellers and System trades).

  2. Quick stats drop-down menu:
    Click on the Multi task icon for a desired trade in the “Action” column and open a “Quick stats drop-down menu” with a list of quick stats options for this trade.

    Multi task icon in the “Total summary” row will display total summary stats (same as Quick stats buttons on your toolbar), {{:te3:overview_multitask_icon.png?nolink|}} Multi task icons in section summary rows will display summary stats for sections (Active trades section, Inactive trades section, Feeder section and Seller section).

Available options

  1. Hourly stats displayed in 24 rows, one for each hour. Current hour is marked with bolded text. Click Customize button to open “Customize” stats window. There you can add/remove stats parameters (check box the ones you want to enable / disable), set a desired colour for each individual column (use the Color button) and change their order (use Drag icon to drag them up and down and change column order). Click Update to save your changes.

  2. }
    History stats for the selected date range (last 30 days by default). To survey data for a different date range, specify it in the Date range window and click Submit. Click Customize, to customize stats table. You can add / remove columns, change column color and column order. Click Update to save your changes.
    To survey history graph of the past 30 days, click Graph button on the left side of “History stats” window. Choose between Daily graph and Monthly graph (with option to specify Date range).

  3. Qick stats icon Cheat opens a Cheat logs window with a list of IPs that meet the criteria for cheating, sorted acording to ''Raw'', ''Clk TG'' or ''Prod TG''.

  4. Quick stat Country stats allows you to monitor Raw, Clk TG and Prod TG for each individual country and survey graphs for desired trades.

  5. Link report: find out which links your surfers are clicking the most. If you have added l=name parameter to your outgoing links, link report stats are being tracked automatically and you can view stats for each name (clicks and percents).
    Learn more

  6. Referrer logs: view the cumulative counts for Referrers (incoming) and Delivered URLs (outgoing).

  7. Referrer productivity logs: is only available for Feeders (buyers) and system trades Unknown and Search Engines, because they send traffic from multiple sources (domains).
    Read all about Referrer productivity.

  8. Last referrer logs: view last Referrers (incoming) and last Delivered URLs (outgoing).

  9. Qick stats icon SE keys opens the “Search engine Keywords” window and diplays a list of Keywords surfers used to navigate to your site, or a list of Search engines that referred surfers to your site.
    SE keys icon is only available with the system trade Search engines.

  10. Find out which user agents (browsers) your surfers are using.

  11. Alexa global traffic rank: find out how the respective trade is ranked relative to all other sites on the web. Alexa global traffic rank is calculated from a site's estimated average of daily unique visitors and its estimated number of pageviews over the past 3 months, and is updated daily. Read more about Alexa.
te3/quick_stats.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/12 06:46 by moderator

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