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te3:faq [2014/12/05 09:50] moderatorte3:faq [2017/04/05 06:57] (current) moderator
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-++++ What do I do if I forget my password? |+[[te3:faq#1. What do I do if I forget my password?|1. What do I do if I forget my password?]] 
 +[[te3:faq#2. What happens if I have my IP on the Allowed list and my provider changes my IP - how will I be able to login to my TE3 admin?|2. What happens if I have my IP on the Allowed list and my provider changes my IP? How will I be able to login to my TE3 admin?]] 
 +[[te3:faq#3. Which algorithm should I use?|3. Which algorithm should I use?]]  
 +[[te3:faq#4. Can I create thumb toplists with TE3?|4. Can I create thumb toplists with TE3?]]  
 +[[te3:faq#5. How do I disable Thumb Grabber?|5. How do I disable Thumb Grabber?]]  
 +[[te3:faq#6. I want to sell traffic from selected trades only?|6. I want to sell traffic from selected trades only?]]  
 +[[te3:faq#7. How can I add the same seller domain multiple times?|7. How can I add the same seller domain multiple times?]]  
 +[[te3:faq#8. How can I sell traffic to broker using skim schemes|8. How can I sell traffic to broker using skim schemes]]  
 +[[te3:faq#9. Productivity question - what does ''Prod TG'' 1.3 mean?|9. Productivity question - what does ''Prod TG'' 1.3 mean?]]  
 +[[te3:faq#10. Oversending trades at the bottom of the trade list|10. Oversending trades at the bottom of the trade list]]  
 +[[te3:faq#11. Can I manage more than one site from one panel|11. Can I manage more than one site from one panel]]  
 +[[te3:faq#12. Does TE3 work with WordPress?|12. Does TE3 work with WordPress?]]  
 +[[te3:faq#13. Where can I find the security key?|13. Where can I find the security key?]]  
 +[[te3:faq#14. Where do I find trades?|14. Where do I find trades?]]  
 +[[te3:faq#15. How do I rename TE3 directory on a running site?|15. How do I rename TE3 directory on a running site?]]  
 +[[te3:faq#16. I enabled HTTPS on my website and now my trade partners who use HTTP count all my traffic under "No referrer"|16. I enabled HTTPS on my website and now my trade partners who use HTTP count all my traffic under "No referrer"]]  
 + \\ \\  
 +== 1. What do I do if I forget my password? == 
-1Try to use ''Forgotten password'' service at the bottom of the [[te3:login_page|login page]] to retrieve it. +**Option 1:** \\ Try to use ''Forgotten password'' service at the bottom of the [[te3:login_page|login page]] to retrieve it. 
 If it doesn't work, because the e-mail you have entered at the [[te3:installation|installation]] stage is incorrect  If it doesn't work, because the e-mail you have entered at the [[te3:installation|installation]] stage is incorrect 
 or it does not exist, you can edit file ''/te3/tedata/idata/userdb.dat'' (using FTP) and alter e-mail address for user admin. When done, you can retry with ''Forgotten password'' service.  or it does not exist, you can edit file ''/te3/tedata/idata/userdb.dat'' (using FTP) and alter e-mail address for user admin. When done, you can retry with ''Forgotten password'' service. 
-2You can edit file ''/te3/tedata/idata/userdb.dat'' (using FTP) and replace your current encrypted password string with the following string: +**Option 2:** \\ You can edit file ''/te3/tedata/idata/userdb.dat'' (using FTP) and replace your current encrypted password string with the following string: 
 ''VCt7szPMGa7kzl7FmQ6Dc119a37b85 '' \\  ''VCt7szPMGa7kzl7FmQ6Dc119a37b85 '' \\ 
 This string stands for password ''test''. Once done, try to login with Username: ''admin'', Password: ''test'' This string stands for password ''test''. Once done, try to login with Username: ''admin'', Password: ''test''
-++++ What happens if I have my IP on the Allowed list and my provider changes my IP? How will I be able to login to my TE3 admin? | 
 +== 2. What happens if I have my IP on the Allowed list and my provider changes my IP - how will I be able to login to my TE3 admin? ==
 TE3 creates ''your_TE3_directory/tedata/idata/allowed.dat'', when you add an IP to the [[te3:allowed_ips|Allowed IPs]] list. Simply delete the file using FTP. \\   TE3 creates ''your_TE3_directory/tedata/idata/allowed.dat'', when you add an IP to the [[te3:allowed_ips|Allowed IPs]] list. Simply delete the file using FTP. \\  
 You can add your new IP to the "Allowed IPs" once you login. You can add your new IP to the "Allowed IPs" once you login.
-++++ Which algorithm should I use? |+ 
 +== 3. Which algorithm should I use? == 
 You can choose between several different [[te3:algorithms|algorithms]]. We recommend everyone to use algorithm ''Value'' (set by  default), since it is the most complex and productive one.  You can choose between several different [[te3:algorithms|algorithms]]. We recommend everyone to use algorithm ''Value'' (set by  default), since it is the most complex and productive one. 
-++++ Can I create thumb toplists with TE3? |+ 
 +== 4. Can I create thumb toplists with TE3? == 
 Yes. You can grab thumbs from trades (automatically or manually) with our "Thumb grabber" module. Check out our thumb toplist [[te3:toplist_tutorial3|tutorial]] and learn how to grab thumbs from trades, manage thumbs and how to create toplists with TE3.  Yes. You can grab thumbs from trades (automatically or manually) with our "Thumb grabber" module. Check out our thumb toplist [[te3:toplist_tutorial3|tutorial]] and learn how to grab thumbs from trades, manage thumbs and how to create toplists with TE3. 
-++++ How do I disable Thumb Grabber? |+ 
 +== 5. How do I disable Thumb Grabber? == 
 To disable automatic downloading, navigate to Toplist / [[te3:toplist_thumb_grabber|Thumb grabber]] and enter ''0'' into ''Download every'' input field.  To disable automatic downloading, navigate to Toplist / [[te3:toplist_thumb_grabber|Thumb grabber]] and enter ''0'' into ''Download every'' input field. 
-++++ How I can sell traffic to broker using skim schemes |+---- 
 +== 6. I want to sell traffic from selected trades only? == 
 +**Option 1:**  
 +{{ :te3:seller-specific-trades.png?100direct|}} Add a new [[te3:add_trade_seller|seller]]; select all trades in "Don't sell traffic from selected trades" accordion and deselect those trades you want to sell traffic from (use CTRL left mouse click to deselect the preferred trades).  \\ \\  
 +**Option 2:**  
 +Create a new [[te3:niches|niche]] and assign preferred trades to it. Next, create a new seller and select the new niche in "Sell only traffic from selected niches" accordion.  
 +== 7. How can add the same seller domain multiple times? ==  
 +Let's say you want to sell [[te3:niches|niche-specific]] traffic to a traffic broker. You will not be able to add multiple [[te3:add_trade_seller|sellers]] with the same domain in their return URLs.  
 +**Example** - adding two sellers with the same domain: \\  
 + ''<nowiki></nowiki>'' \\  
 + ''<nowiki> </nowiki>''  
 +TE3 will add the first seller and use its domain name, '''', but when you want to add the next seller, this domain is already taken and you will get an error message ''Domain name already exist!''. What you can do instead is:  
 +1. Add two sellers with different domain names, for example: \\  
 +''<nowiki></nowiki>'' \\  
 +2. Rename their Return URLs: \\  
 +''<nowiki></nowiki>'' into ''<nowiki></nowiki>'' \\  ''<nowiki></nowiki>'' into ''<nowiki> </nowiki>'' 
 +You now have two sellers in your database, '''' and '''' and you are selling traffic from both to the same broker, ''''
 +== 8. How can I sell traffic to broker using skim schemes == 
 You can sell your traffic through special Seller trades. TE3 allows two options to sell your traffic: You can sell your traffic through special Seller trades. TE3 allows two options to sell your traffic:
Line 43: Line 133:
   * Sell traffic using [[te3:add_trade_seller#2. Add seller directly into the skim pattern|skim pattern]].   * Sell traffic using [[te3:add_trade_seller#2. Add seller directly into the skim pattern|skim pattern]].
-++++ Productivity question - what does ''Prod TG'' 1.3 mean? |+== 9. Productivity question - what does ''Prod TG'' 1.3 mean? == 
 Q: I am having a somewhat difficult time understanding productivity numbers in TE3 - typically i see ''50%'',''100%'',''150%'', etc on other scripts, but here I see ''1.2'', ''0.43'', etc. and do not really know how to translate that into what kind of productivity my surfers are producing. Q: I am having a somewhat difficult time understanding productivity numbers in TE3 - typically i see ''50%'',''100%'',''150%'', etc on other scripts, but here I see ''1.2'', ''0.43'', etc. and do not really know how to translate that into what kind of productivity my surfers are producing.
Line 53: Line 145:
 If '''' sent you 100 incoming raw hits and produced 130 total clicks (Clk TG) then ''Prod TG'' = ''1.30'', which means that the average surfer clicked 1.3 times on your site. Some trade scripts translate that into ''130%'', which is the same thing. If '''' sent you 100 incoming raw hits and produced 130 total clicks (Clk TG) then ''Prod TG'' = ''1.30'', which means that the average surfer clicked 1.3 times on your site. Some trade scripts translate that into ''130%'', which is the same thing.
-++++ Where can I find the security key? | 
-Navigate to "Network" menu and click {{:te3:add_button.png?nolink|}} ''Manage sites'' button to open "Manage sites" pop-up windowCheck out this [[te3:network_link|tutorial]] and learn how to link sites together.+== 10. Oversending trades at the bottom of the trade list == 
 +QI have a couple of trades at the bottom of my DB, that are sending me no, or almost no trafficWhy is TE3 still sending  traffic to those tradesIt doesn't make sense to send it out, when I'm not receiving any clicks back...
-+++++A: Oversending trades at the bottom of the trade DB is nothing unusual and nothing to worry about. 
-++++ Where do I find trades? |+Let's explain this with an example: \\  
 +Trade DB contains 50 trades. Worst 10 trades are sending you in small amounts of traffic or not sending (and producing) anything at all. The question is... for what reason are those trades still getting some traffic back? \\  
 +First of all, you have to understand **TE3 sends out only uniques and it won't send a surfer to the same site twice**. When a surfer clicks one of your out links, TE3 will first send him to the trade you owe most traffic to. If the surfer keeps clicking, TE3 will send him to the next trade on the [[te3:outgoing_lists|outgoing list]] and the next one and the next one...if he clicks 50 times trade productive, he will visit all the trades in your DB.  
 +Naturally, every website also receives traffic from spiders & bots that click more than 50 times. This is nothing unusual and we wouldn't recommend blocking them, because you could block search engine spiders by doing that.    
 +== 11. Can I manage more than one site from one panel ==  
 +Q: Is it possible to add more sites and manage them from the same panel? I can manage them individually creating the TE3 directory for each domain (domains are in different root).  
 +A: If you have two or more websites managed by TE3, you will definitely want to link them together into a “Network”. You'll be able to monitor and control multiple sites from the “Network” menu, as well as sync almost any action you perform on one site to your other sites. Check out [[te3:network_link|this tutorial]] and learn how to link sites together. 
 +== 12. Does TE3 work with WordPress? ==  
 +Yes. However, if you are using caching, you will have to use the alternative method of incoming tracking - JavaScript tracking. Check out our step by step guide on how to setup [[te3:incoming:standard#JavaScript tracking|JavaScript tracking]].  
 +== 13. Where can I find the security key? ==  
 +{{:te3:tut_step_1.png?nolink|}} Navigate to "Network" menu.  
 +{{:te3:tut_step_2.png?nolink|}} Click {{:te3:add_button.png?nolink|}} ''Manage sites'' button to open "Manage sites" pop-up window.  
 +== 14. Where do I find trades? == 
 You can trade traffic with any site that is willing to trade (you are not limited to sites using TE3 script). We usually suggest to look for sites with similar content (e.g. tgp, tube, mpg...). Visit some of the larger sites, check their toplists to see who they're trading with and you can add these trades as well. This is a simple way to find trades.  You can trade traffic with any site that is willing to trade (you are not limited to sites using TE3 script). We usually suggest to look for sites with similar content (e.g. tgp, tube, mpg...). Visit some of the larger sites, check their toplists to see who they're trading with and you can add these trades as well. This is a simple way to find trades. 
Line 68: Line 199:
 Once you have some trades in your database and you are already trading traffic, you can look at the [[te3:toplist_index|toplist]] of your top 5 most successful trades - there is a good chance, other trades on their toplists will work well for you too. Once you have some trades in your database and you are already trading traffic, you can look at the [[te3:toplist_index|toplist]] of your top 5 most successful trades - there is a good chance, other trades on their toplists will work well for you too.
-++++ How do I rename TE3 directory on a running site? |+== 15. How do I rename TE3 directory on a running site? == 
 When you rename te3 directory, all links on your site will immediately become broken. If your site is already getting traffic, we recommend the following instead: include ''out.php'' directly into the root html directory of the domain (public html). When you rename te3 directory, all links on your site will immediately become broken. If your site is already getting traffic, we recommend the following instead: include ''out.php'' directly into the root html directory of the domain (public html).
Line 78: Line 210:
 We recommend this method, since BOTH links work at the same time and you won't experience broken links on your site while you are switching them from old to the new paths.  We recommend this method, since BOTH links work at the same time and you won't experience broken links on your site while you are switching them from old to the new paths. 
 +== 16. I enabled HTTPS on my website and now my trade partners who use HTTP count all my traffic under "No referrer" == 
 +If your website has a valid HTTPS certificate installed, there are possible issues to consider: 
 +1. Browsers do not pass on referrer information from HTTPS to HTTP sites. This means the target site will see your traffic as "No referrer", i.e. they cannot distinguish such hits from a user who directly typed in the URL. 
 +The solution is to place a "meta referrer tag" in the ''<head>'' section of your HTML: \\  
 +<code><meta name="referrer" content="unsafe-url"></code> 
 +This tag will always send the full URL of your referring pages. \\ 
 +2. You need to make sure that either variable ''$_SERVER['HTTPS']'', or variable ''$_SERVER['HTTPS']'' is set to ''on''. You can check it by creating a simple ''test.php'' file and placing the following code into it: \\  
 +if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on'
 +  echo HTTPS is working'; 
 +  echo 'HTTPS is missing'; 
te3/faq.1417773050.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/05 09:50 by moderator

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