====== Create a text toplist ====== ~~NOTOC~~ We'll be using three fictitious trades (''http://www.yourtrade1.com/'', ''http://www.yourtrade2.com/'' and ''http://www.yourtrade1.com/'') for the purpose of this tutorial. If your database is empty at this stage, [[te3:add_trade_single_tutorial|add three of your trades]]. If your database includes more than three trades, your results will differ from ours. ===== 1. Create a toplist template ===== TE3 toplist module can build toplists from your trades database, based on a template file and the first thing you need to do is to **build a toplist template** using TE3 template tags. ++++ List of template tags | |< 100% 15% 25% 60% >| ^ Parameter ^ Description ^ Example ^ | ''##name:x##'' | **Site name** | ''##name:4##'' will print "site name" for trade number ''4''. | | ''##domain:x##'' | **Domain name** (domain.com) | ''##domain:6##'' will print "domain name" for trade number ''6''. | | ''##raw:x##'' | **Incoming raws** | ''##raw:7##'' will print "incoming raws" for trade number ''7''. | | ''##uniq:x##'' | **Incoming uniques** | ''##uniq:3##'' will print "incoming uniques" for trade number ''3''. | | ''##clk_t:x##'' | **Clicks sent to trades** | ''##clk_t:4##'' will print "clicks sent to trades" for trade number ''4''. | | ''##clk_tg:x##'' | **Clicks sent to trades & galleries** | ''##clk_tg:2##'' will print "clicks sent to trades & galleries" for trade number ''2''. | | ''##out:x##'' | **Outgoing hits** | ''##out:5##'' will print "outgoing hits" for trade number ''5''. | | ''##out_uniq:x##'' | **Outgoing uniques** | ''##out_uniq:6##'' will print "outgoing uniques" for trade number ''6''. | | ''##value:x##'' | **Value of a trade** (Clk T / Out T) | ''##value:2##'' will print "value of a trade" for trade number ''2''. | | ''##owed:x##'' | **Owed** (Outgoing list / traffic distribution is based on the owed ratio) | ''##owed:13##'' will print "owed" for trade number ''13''. | | ''##ratioraw:x##'' | **Ratio raw** (Out T / Raw) | ''##ratioraw:5##'' will print "ratio raw" for trade number ''5''. | | ''##balanceraw:x##'' | **Balance raw** (outgoing total - incoming raws) | ''##balanceraw:3##'' will print "balance raw" for trade number ''3''. | | ''##balanceratioraw:x##'' | **Balance ratio raw** (incoming raws / outgoing total) | ''##balanceratioraw:8##'' will print "balance ratio raw" for trade number ''8''. | | ''##balanceuniq:x##'' | **Balance uniq** (outgoing total - incoming uniques) | ''##balanceuniq:3##'' will print "balance uniq" for trade number ''3''. | | ''##balanceratiouniq:x##'' | **Balance ratio uniq** (incoming uniques / outgoing total) | ''##balanceratiouniq:8##'' will print "balance ratio uniq" for trade number ''8''. | | ''##return_url:x##'' | **Return URL** (http://www.example.com/) | ''##return_url:7##'' will print "return URL" for trade number ''7''. | | ''##nick:x##'' |** Webmaster's nickname** | ''##nick:2##'' will print "webmaster's nickname" for trade number ''2''. "Nickname" is an optional attribute. If you would like to use this toplist tag, make sure you have it entered. | | ''##email:x##'' | **Webmaster's e-mail** | ''##email:8##'' will print "webmaster's e-mail" for trade number ''8''. "E-mail" is an optional attribute. If you would like to use this toplist tag, make sure you have it entered. | | ''##icq:x##'' | **Webmaster's ICQ** | ''##icq:5##'' will print "webmaster's ICQ" for trade number ''5''. "ICQ" is an optional attribute. If you would like to use this toplist tag, make sure you have it entered. | ++++ TE3 template tags allow you to create completely unique toplists, but for the purpose of this tutorial use the example template we've prepared below: ---- ===== 2. Add new toplist ===== Once you have created a toplist template, you have to **add it to yor TE3.** ==== Step by step ==== {{:te3:step_test8.png?nolink|}} {{:te3:tut_step_1.png?nolink|}} **Open "Add new" window** \\ Navigate to the ''Toplist / Templates'' menu, click on the {{:te3:interface_plus.png?nolink|}}''Add new'' button and open "Add new" pop-up window. {{:te3:tut_step_2.png?nolink|}} **Select input method** \\ You can choose between two different [[te3:toplist_input|input methods]], we'll test "Form input" method in this tutorial. {{:te3:tut_step_3.png?nolink|}} **Add toplist template** \\ Now you have to add a toplist template into the textarea (if you use "File input" method, it is assumed, you have already uploaded your template at this stage). Copy-paste the example template we've prepared above. {{:te3:tut_step_4.png?nolink|}} **Save template as** \\ Specify where would you like to save your template e.g., ''/full/path/to/public_html/your_TE3_directory/toplist/something.tpl'' \\ (this is a toplist file with template tags) {{:te3:tut_step_5.png?nolink|}} **Output toplist as** \\ Next, you have to enter File output path, e.g., ''/full/path/to/public_html/your_TE3_directory/toplist/something.html'' \\ (this is an output file - template tags get replaced with real values) {{:te3:tut_step_6.png?nolink|}} **Save toplist** \\ Click {{:te3:button_save.png?nolink|}} button in the bottom right corner. ---- ===== 3. Preview and edit the toplist ===== The new toplist is already added to the "Existing" table. {{:te3:tut_toplist5.png?nolink|}} Close "Add new" window and click {{:te3:button_preview2.png?nolink|}} icon to see the ''Preview'' of what the toplist will look like. Ours looks like this: {{:te3:tut_toplist_output3.png?nolink|}} Take a look at html source for our output - you can see that TE3 template tags were replaced with real values: {{:te3:tut_toplist_source4.png?nolink|}} You can easily edit your toplist and test its output - click {{:te3:overview_edit_icon.png?nolink|}} ''Edit'' icon for the respective toplist, then {{:te3:button_save.png?nolink|}} your changes, and click {{:te3:button_preview2.png?nolink|}} to ''Preview'' the toplist again. \\ ---- ===== 4. Include toplist into your web page ===== After you have created and added a toplist, it has to be [[te3:toplist_include|included]] into your web page! ---- ===== Related topics ===== * [[te3:toplist_index|Toplist templates]] - view toplist template syntax, learn how to add and manage toplists
Domain Raw Value
##name:1## ##raw:1## ##value:1##
##name:2## ##raw:2## ##value:2##
##name:3## ##raw:3## ##value:3##